Popular HVAC Cities in Nevada
We found 3 schools in our database that offer HVAC training programs in Nevada! We've listed them below. We will try and keep it up to date!
You should make sure to contact at least a few different schools and talk to the people in charge of the HVAC program. You never know which one you may end up liking best, and the schools themselves can tell you much more about their programs than a site like ours can. We're just here to help you get started. Good luck!
Regular Listings
Advanced Training Institute
3970 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Suite B9
Las Vegas, Nevada 89115
(702) 658-7900
Program(s) offered: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technician Program
Career College of Northern Nevada
1421 Pullman Dr.
Sparks, Nevada 89434
(775) 856-2266
Program(s) offered: HVAC/R Service Technician Diploma
Truckee Meadows Community College
7000 Dandini Blvd
Reno, Nevada 89512
(775) 673-7000
Source: Information on this page comes from two sources: the Department of Education's IPEDS database, and the school's website. We try to keep this data up-to-date, but as part of researching your options, you should be sure to ask any schools you apply to for the most up-to-date statistics.